13. August - TRACKSHOT v7.0.7.0 Release

The new TRACKSHOT v7 Release is available in the download area now.
If you are using already an earlier v7.0 we recommend downloading and installing this update!
With the AddOn /LiveProtocol a Unicode entry caused unproper entries in the protocol file.
Also several minor bugs were fixed in conjunction with the event properties like 'Autostart', 'Loop', 'Repeat', 'StartNext' and 'FadeOnStop'.
Further information you will find in the info-file (.txt) in the resp. zip archive.
140th International AES Convention 4.-7. June in Paris

Come and Enjoy the AES Convention Experience In Paris In June
The 140th International Audio Engineering Society Convention, coming to the Palais des Congrès in Paris, June 4 to 7, promises to be the multifaceted experience that attracts regular attendees to the AES Conventions every year.
Be part of the show and discover at our stand how our TRACKSHOT Audio Playout software can help you in your business area every day.
Three main reasons why you should come along:
In Paris our brand new 'TRACKSHOT Intro' will have its premiere!
TRACKSHOT Intro is suitable for simple playbacks in mono/ stereo and without the necessity of MIDI in/out commands, time code and other AddOn functionalities.
It is intended as a reliable replacement of CD players with easiest operation, e.g. for rehearsals in the ballet room or as an audio player in small theaters and the like.
Seeking to markers together with instant replay is available in this license also!
TRACKSHOT supports Dante Audio Cards
In addition to the Audinate Dante Virtual Soundcard now also the Yamaha Dante Accelerator Audio Card AIC128-D (PCIe x4) is supported. This sound card has a second network port the Dante-signal can be provided redundantly!
TRACKSHOT Interface to Ember+
With our new AddOn /Ember+ we provide the interface to the 'Ember+' protocol.
Third party applications, like LAWO VSM - Virtual Studio Manager, are able to control TRACKSHOT via network now.
All functions required for live shows are supported by TRACKSHOT.
Even as a simple Jingle machine in the TV machine room TRACKSHOT can be easily operated from everywhere in the network.
Useful to play out atmosphere during sporting events or slow motion etc.
Come to Paris and visit us at Palais des Congrès, Level 3, stand no. 53.
Discuss with us your wishes and requirements.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Get your free badge for the exhibition here:
FREE VIP exhibits-Plus registration to the AES Convention
26. May - TRACKSHOT v7.0.5.0 Release

The new TRACKSHOT v7 Release is available in the download area now.
If you are using already an earlier v7.0 we recommend downloading and installing this update!
New Functions and Enhancements in TRACKSHOT v7.0
The internal audio player routines of TRACKSHOT were revised completely. Through this significant shorter latencies can be archieved when applying spontaneous fade-outs as well as relieving samples with an adjusted 'FadeOnStop' time now.
In the basic configuration, the specification of the audio buffer size of 'bytes' was changed to 'number of samples'. I.e. TRACKSHOT automatically takes more memory (absolute) for multitrack samples, as for stereo samples.
In addition, different buffer sizes can be adjusted for ASIO and WDM audio devices now.
For the faderstart function a new option 'Pause event' was implemented.
Now in the Basic Configuration generally can be defined, how the faderstart function has to behave, during the current sample is still playing out (GENERAL -> Fader closing during 'Play').
When the fader is closed (contact opens):
The Sample will be stopped. If the fader will be opened (contact closed) the next time, the sample focused (usually the next) will be started.
The Sample will be paused. If the fader will be opened (contact closed) the next time, the same sample will be played on from its current position.
The adjustment from the Basic Configuration is taken on in the Event Properties of each sample and appears there on the register 'Control' as default. At any time the user then still can change this setting there.
The response to the closing of the fader is signaled on the faderstart button with 'STOP' or 'PAUSE' during the playout.
Crossfades within the same playlist work completely independent of the file format of the samples now (e.g. wav -> mp3, mp3 -> mus, mus -> aif, wav -> aif).
When saving a set, also the current states of all players will be saved now.
Thus, when the progress bar of a sample while saving the set is not at the beginning of the sample, but at a certain position (e.g. marker), also this position will be restored as well after loading this set.
In addition to the Audinate Dante Virtual Soundcard now also the Yamaha Dante Accelerator Audio Card AIC128-D (PCIe x4) is supported. This sound card has a second network port the Dante-signal can be provided redundantly!
After the correct driver installation, the audio interface appears in the ASIO dialog of the Audio Properties. If the audio interface is changed here, TRACKSHOT automatically restarts then.
If a set was loaded from an earlier TRACKSHOT version and becomes incompatible with the old version by storing, the existing set is saved under a different set name before it is being overwritten.
In this case the set name is extended with the TRACKSHOT version number by the last storage process.
If cmi-files (associated MIDI settings) are available, these files are also saved and named correspondingly.
For the level meters of the playlists two new adjustments can be made in the Basic Configuration (-> GENERAL):
- 'OVER' detection and
- Peak Hold Time.
Some error messages have been revised.
Among others errors relating to the sample rate or the file formats are now distinguished more precisely and displayed accordingly.
As of v7.0.6 the new license 'TRACKSHOT Intro' will be available soon.
It is suitable for simple playbacks in mono/ stereo and without the necessity of MIDI in/out commands, time code and other AddOn functionalities.
TRACKSHOT Intro is intended as a reliable replacement of CD players with easiest operation, e.g. for rehearsals in the ballet room or as an audio player in small theaters and the like.
The seeking to markers together with an instant replay is available in this license also!
18. January - TRACKSHOT v7.0.2.22 beta

We are happy to make the first public TRACKSHOT v7.0 beta available for our beta testers!
If you like also to become a beta tester of TRACKSHOT please give us a short notice.
Further Information you will find in the Info-file (.txt) enclosed in the resp. zip archive.