6. December - TRACKSHOT v8.1.19.0

The new TRACKSHOT v8.1 release is available now.
In this version some bugs were fixed only.
Further information you will find in the info-file (.txt) in the resp. zip archive.
12. June - TRACKSHOT v8.1.14.0 Release

If you already use a version 8.1 that is v8.1.11.0 or older,
please install this new update !!
This version does not contain a new feature, but only a bug has been fixed here:
Under certain conditions, stereo samples could no longer be played in the edit dialog.
This error occurred only in the stereo variants (TS, TS Plus, TS Intro) as of v8.1.6.0.
Further information you will find in the info-file (.txt) in the resp. zip archive.
24. May - TRACKSHOT v8.1.13.0 Release

Please install the new bug fix!
This version contains no new features but 2 bug fixes only:
In certain cases TRACKSHOT could crash, if a sample was started on a Wall button with the property 'Replay' or 'Multistart'.
All releases of v8.1.2.0 - v8.1.11.0 are affected here!
We recommend that you update TRACKSHOT as soon as possible.
The driver for the LPT port (Faderstart interface) at Win 10 wasn't correctly installed in all cases, so that TRACKSHOT couldn't get proper access.
Further information you will find in the info-file (.txt) in the resp. zip archive.
18. April - TRACKSHOT v8.1.11.0 Release

TRACKSHOT supports WAVES SoundGrid audio network
From now TRACKSHOT officially supports the audio network WAVES SoundGrid.
After the ASIO-driver for SoundGrid was selected in the audio settings, in all dialogs the SoundGrid devices are available for playing and recording (with AddOn /Recording).
More information about SoundGrid can be found at: WAVES
You can download the SoundGrid driver here: WAVES SoundGrid ASIO-driver
Further information you will find in the info-file (.txt) in the resp. zip archive.